When you are in charge of making planning decisions at your company, you understand that protecting your equipment begins before purchases are even made. If designing a new application that generates significant heat waste, you may perform analyses of the costs required to cool such machinery. By exploring your options for passive forms of thermal management, you can take advantage of phase-change technology to reduce your energy requirements. With systems such as custom heat pipes, you can keep your temperatures in the appropriate range without the use of outside electricity. Compared to a traditional air conditioning system, a set of heat pipes can offer significant savings. This equipment relies upon a system of pipes placed near the equipment that generates excess heat waste. A liquid inside the pipe can absorb outside temperatures and eventually change phases into a gas. As this happens, the gas floats through the pipe to a safer location, dissipating the heat. As the gas cools back to liquid, it floats to the original location and begins the process again without the need for outside energy components.
At Noren Thermal Solutions, we have more than 55 years of experience helping businesses like yours protect their equipment from the generation of excess heat waste. This means that we have seen all manner of custom situations where cooling is required. We can help you in the planning stages of a new outlay or take a look at your existing thermal management techniques. In addition to our consulting and planning, we provide the products necessary to make your system a reality. By relying on equipment such as our custom heat pipes, you can rest assured that your applications are protected.