Understanding Basic Thermal Methods

3d rendering futuristic blue circuit board background illustrationHaving the capabilities to work out potential flaws and issues in a design early on helps save you time and cost. Indeed, rapid prototyping capabilities can help you acquire a thermal solution better customized to your needs, but failing to consider the role methods play in the process can negatively influence your business’ productivity and competition. In today’s blog, the team at Noren Thermal Solutions in Taylor, TX discusses the eco-friendly and sustainable methods we use to help you get the most from your thermal management capabilities.

Phase-Change is the Name of the Game

It goes without saying that the most common concern when it comes to thermal management is preventing an industrial application from overheating. Indeed, all major electronics house sensitive wires and other components that are integral to their thermal function, and as such, heat exchanger manufacturers prioritize the ability to regulate internal temperatures in a rapid manner.

The problem arises, however, when every method is used to accomplish this task. While some may not have many negative effects, others can be potentially harmful to the physical environment and your working one. This is where our team differs, however, in that we not only prioritize your thermal management capabilities, but we place an equal emphasis on eco-friendly practices that do not sacrifice quality.

Indeed, one of the primary methods our team utilizes to accomplish this feat involves phase-change or two-phase practices. This process essentially exposes the heat source to a fluid that is used to absorb the waste energy. When this occurs, the fluid rises in temperature until it reaches its latent point of vaporization. The vapor is then transported away from the heat source where it is subsequently cooled. To learn more about this process, give our team a call today.

Utilizing Thermoelectric Junctions

Another method our team may utilize includes thermoelectric cooling and heating. This process creates a temperature difference in industrial applications by transferring heat between two thermoelectrical junctions. A voltage is applied, and the result is the subsequent cooling of the junction.

Utilizing the Peltier Effect, heat exchangers that utilize thermoelectric methods displace waste heat in a manner that avoids overheating. What’s more? You do not have to worry about sacrificing quality for eco-friendliness, as this option provides greater levels of thermal management in natural ways. Give our team a call today to learn more.

Passive and Active Options

By no means are industrial applications in different industries created the same. As such, the methods used to cool overheating should vary to meet these needs as well. With passive and active cooling, your custom heat exchanger can provide a greater level of cooling by factoring in your needs.

Speak with Our Team

Contact Noren Thermal Solutions in Taylor, TX by calling 512-595-5700 to speak to a representative from our team today and learn more about the benefits of custom thermal management methods that prioritize sustainability.