Heat Pipe Technology Has Advantages

heat pipe tech taylor txIn our fast-paced industrial climate, every company out there needs to be focused on efficiency. That means taking a real hard look at all of your processes to find your weak points, and when those weaknesses are in your equipment’s operation, it could really hold you back. Heat is a major concern across nearly every industry, and it’s important to make sure that you have the right thermal management approach for the job. If you’re not sure, then it’s time to reach out to a trusted name in the field; one that’s been helping people like you since 1968.

With our team of designers and engineers at Noren Thermal Solutions in Taylor, TX, you’ve got a guide to the world of advanced thermal management. One of our favorite ways to keep equipment cool is with phase-change tech, and our highly efficient heat pipe assemblies offer a passive cooling concept that brings serious advantages. This approach uses the natural shift between liquid and gas to provide quality support for even the toughest to reach areas.

Discover effective thermal management. Call Noren Thermal Solutions today.

How Do Heat Pipes Work, Really?

If you’ve never thought about heat pipes before in your life, then this might all seem foreign to you. Heat pipe technology is one of the most efficient ways of transferring and exchanging thermal energy, and it does so in a way called passive cooling, which means that it requires no external energy usage for it to be effective. But how does it do this?

Heat pipes are fully enclosed tubes that contain a working fluid, often ammonia or water. As this liquid starts to heat up, it changes phases into a gas; since gas travels differently, it flows to the other end of the heat pipe. When it cools at the condenser end, it reverts back to liquid and returns to the original location, and the cycle continues. This simple movement brings powerful passive cooling for a range of industrial applications.

Enhancing Plastic Production With Thermal Pins

Heat pipe assemblies can be easily customized to suit your needs, and if you work in the world of injection, blow, or rotational molding, then there’s a specific one for your industry. Thermal pins are specialized heat pipes that are designed to accurately and appropriately cool molds. They can shorten cycle times and help you to create a better product, so you can feel proud when you deliver a shipment to one of your vendors.

Discover Heat Pipe Technology With Noren

If you’re ready to upgrade your traditional thermal management approach, ask about your options. To find out more about highly efficient heat pipe technology, call Noren Thermal Solutions in Taylor, TX at 512-595-5700.