Caring For The Planet With Better Thermal Management

better thermal management taylor txThese days, your customers want to see a dedication to the environment, and they keep this in mind when making their purchasing decisions. If you have been searching for a way to improve your systems, taking a hard look at your heat exchangers is a great place to start. When these are old or outdated, they can be highly inefficient; better thermal management decisions help you to save money while lowering your impact on the planet.

At Noren Thermal Solutions in Taylor, TX, we can help you to find a new way of thinking about how you handle your heat. With advanced technology that more effectively aids your thermal transfer and exchange, our team is here to help you explore your options. From more conductive copper heat sinks for your data centers and server rooms to ruggedized solutions for oil and gas production, we work across industries to help you find a way to lower your costs through thermal management that stays on the cutting edge. Talk to our team today about all of your eco-friendly possibilities!

Protect Computerized Systems With More Effective Heat Sinks

When you need to protect circuit boards, heat sinks are a standard way of limiting heat damage. You can spot these easily, as they tend to have many folds in order to maximize contact with surrounding air, which helps them to be efficient. In addition to the right design, the choice of metal used in these devices can make all the difference in their ability to keep your equipment safe.

Noren’s dedication to providing better thermal management starts with investing in the right materials, and you can see this in our superior heat sinks. Some other companies rely on cheaper aluminum for their heat sinks, but we understand the importance of doing things well. With our copper heat sinks, you can experience significantly higher conductivity, helping you to increase longevity and reduce the possibility of failing electronics.

Phase-Change Technology Provides Better Thermal Management

Heat pipes are another solution that help you to limit your impact on the environment, and if you are still relying on compressed air or air conditioning, they may be able to save you some money, as well. These harness phase-change technology, using the shift from liquid to a gas for your thermal transfer and exchange. As the working fluid evaporates, it is allowed to travel to the other end of the heat pipe, where it cools and flows back to the original location. Heat pipes are quickly becoming a favorite solution across industries for their ecological benefits, and their ability to save money on wasteful air conditioning.

Discover Your Possibilities With Noren Thermal Solutions!

When you need to upgrade or replace your existing thermal management, talk to our team about ways that you can help the environment while increasing efficiency. To learn more, give us a call at Noren Thermal Solutions in Taylor, TX at (512)595-5700!