Active Or Passive Cooling?

passive cooling taylor txYour equipment does a lot of the heavy lifting for your business, and treating it right can be a huge advantage. When you need to upgrade or replace your existing thermal management system, talk to our team about your options. There are different approaches to help you regulate your thermal energy, and you have possibilities. One of these choices is between active and passive cooling, so what is the difference?

At Noren Thermal Solutions in Taylor, TX, we have been providing quality thermal management to businesses just like yours for over 55 years. Our team understands the value of protecting your equipment, and we are here to help you maintain your vital components, wiring and electronics with quality solutions. With passive devices such as heat pipes and heat sinks, our team can help you to have a custom thermal management solution to keep electronics safe. We also have durable air-to-air and air-to-water heat exchangers, giving you a powerful tool to protect electrical enclosures, control panels, and more. Speak with our team today to discover your thermal solution! (more…)

Safeguarding Enclosures And Control Panels

Protecting your electrical enclosures heat exchanger heat exchangers taylor tx control panelsYour electrical enclosures and control panels do a lot of the heavy lifting for your business. These are often some of the hardest working pieces of equipment in and around your building, and you want to make sure that you are caring for them in an efficient and cost-effective manner. While they might not seem like much at first glance, enclosures and panels house vital components and wiring; with the wrong thermal management, they could be inoperable in a moment.

With Noren Thermal Solutions in Taylor, TX, you have the opportunity to be at the forefront of thermal management technology. Over the last 56 years, our team has been developing systems to help you regulate your heat within electrical enclosures and control panels, and we are proud to be a pioneer in this field. If you are still relying on compressed air and air conditioning to protect your vital equipment, take the time to learn about the advantages of a better approach. Give us a call today to learn more! (more…)

Regulating Heat In Plastic Mold Cooling

mold cooling taylor txInjection molded plastic production creates many of the things that we use and enjoy on a daily basis. Crafting items with this process takes real knowledge of handle your heat, however. Working with plastic can be a struggle without the right equipment, and you need to make sure that yours is well-maintained in order to avoid waste. In this process, mold cooling is one of the most important parts of effective thermal management for plastic production.

If it is time to replace or upgrade your existing thermal management system for injection molded plastic production, talk to Noren Thermal Solutions in Taylor, TX about more effective ways to regulate temperatures in and around your mold. Our team has several options that can help you to run a more efficient production line, which can shorten cycle times and increase the level of quality in your crafted products. To learn more about the advantages of heat pipes and thermal pins for plastic mold cooling, give us a call today!


Discover Efficient Thermal Management

efficient thermal management taylor txYou need to make sure that you are caring for your equipment. Whether you run a data center, or if you work in outdoor industries such as oil and gas, your machinery and computerized technology do much of the heavy lifting, and heat can cause serious problems if left unchecked. If you are still relying on air conditioning systems or a compressed air solution, it’s time to learn about a more efficient thermal management option.

At Noren Thermal Solutions in Taylor, TX, we are proud to stand at the forefront of temperature regulation. Our team offers thermal management systems to meet the needs of all industries, and we have options for your business. From our superior heat sinks to heat pipes, we have passive solutions to help maintain your machinery and electronics. With our efficient air-to-water heat exchangers, you can cut down on the cost of compressed air or air conditioning, while delivering a more reliable process at the same time. To find your thermal solution, call Noren today!


Custom Heat Exchangers For Computing

custom heat exchangers taylor txIn certain industries, heat can pose a devastating risk. Your equipment is an invaluable part of your job, and without the right thermal management solution, your automated processes could not do the work you need them to do. Automation and high-performance computing are areas in which you need to take special precautions when regulating thermal energy, and custom heat exchangers are an efficient and reliable way of maintaining optimal temperature within and around your vital equipment.

At Noren Thermal Solutions in Taylor, TX, we know that your components and wiring deserve an energy-efficient form of protection, and our custom heat exchangers provide stable and reliable results. With drop-in and flush mount varieties, our team is here to help you to achieve the thermal management that you need for your automated systems. From the rugged outdoors to the clean rooms of semiconductor production, Noren has been working alongside all industries since 1968 to deliver optimal temperature solutions, and we love to stay at the forefront of our field. Give us a call to learn about how our heat exchangers can help you!


Safeguard Your Servers With Quality Thermal Management

Safeguard Your Servers taylor txWhen you run a data center, you need to make sure that your equipment is not only withstanding the heat, but that is also operating at an efficient level, so taking steps to safeguard your servers is paramount. These areas can become a problem in a hurry with the wrong thermal management decisions, and as information technology professionals, you need to be able to rely on your components and wiring. This means that if you have been getting away with your old or outdated compressed air or air conditioning option, you could be in store for trouble.

That’s why here at Noren Thermal Solutions in Taylor, TX, we put the effort into bringing you quality thermal management products that can keep you operational for longer. One of our solutions for data center applications is the use of heat pipes, which are a great option for those hard-to-reach areas. Heat pipes provide advanced thermal energy transport using phase-change technology, giving you a passive cooling solution that can cut down on your energy costs when you switch from air conditioning or compressed air. Find out more by calling our team at Noren today! (more…)

Water Safety Compliance And Heat Exchange

water safety taylor txWhen you need to protect your equipment, there are a few things that you need to take into account. The ambient temperature surrounding your vital electronics and heat-producing components is a prime example of something that can affect your ability to do your job. But you also need to think about the ecological impact of your heat exchangers, both for the environment and in order to follow all applicable water safety regulations.

That is why at Noren Thermal Solutions in Taylor, TX, we provide air-to-water heat exchangers that meet or exceed the demands of NSF 61 and 372 certification. These rules help to ensure that your thermal management does not produce harmful chemicals that can make it into the water supply, and they also show that your air-to-water heat exchanger keeps its working fluid contained within the unit. If it is time to upgrade or replace your system, talk to our team about ways that an ecologically friendly approach can simply make more sense. Give us a call today to learn more! (more…)

Eco-Friendly Thermal Management And Cost

eco-friendly thermal management taylor txThese days, your customers want to know that you are putting forth an effort into more sustainable practices. For many industries, devoting your energy into lowering your carbon footprint may seem like a struggle, as it can be an expensive proposition. Thankfully, with eco-friendly thermal management, you can have the benefits of a cost-saving approach, while at the same time, harness more efficiency that keeps your energy consumption down.

When it is time to move on from air conditioning and compressed air, speak with the team at Noren Thermal Solutions in Taylor, TX. We have a wide range of thermal management options available to help you to regulate the temperature of your vital components and machinery. Since 1968, we have been working alongside engineers and business leaders to better operations. From the rugged outdoors of oil and gas to the clean rooms of semiconductor production, we have seen it all in the last 56 years, and we can help you to learn about the latest in thermal management. To find out more about what we can do for you, reach out to our representatives! (more…)

Your Data Center Needs Quality Protection

data center taylor txInformation technology is more important than ever, and this takes careful planning in both maintenance and optimization. When you operate a data center, you need to make sure that you are keeping your equipment safe and well-maintained consistently throughout the day. Without the right thermal management protection, you could wind up out of commission while you wait on repairs to your components and wiring. Your business could also see undue stress on your equipment, forcing your employees to continuously replace things.

Here at Noren Thermal Solutions in Taylor, TX, we understand the value that your expertise brings to American industry, and we want to help you to stay productive. When a server or a GPU fails, it can lead to serious problems for a company, and this means that you need to stay on your toes when it comes to handling your heat. From high-quality copper heat sinks to custom heat pipe assemblies, our team has a solution to help you to better regulate the temperature of your equipment. If it is time to upgrade or replace your existing thermal management system, talk to a representative about your options! (more…)

Custom Heat Pipe Assemblies Are A Versatile Solution

custom Heat pipe taylor txIndustrial thermal management is a crucial part of keeping your operation running smoothly and consistently. Without the right protection, you risk losing efficiency, and your equipment just might not see the longevity that you need. A one-size-fits-all approach to regulating temperatures can hold you back, so it is important to learn about your options and make a decision that works for your company now and later down the line. Custom heat pipe assemblies are a great way to do just that.

At Noren Thermal Solutions in Taylor, TX, our heat pipes can help your business to stay efficient and lower your energy use. These devices are highly efficient at transferring heat due to the way that they harness thermodynamic principles, which can mean saving energy costs while also limiting your impact on the environment. Heat pipes are also well-suited for a wide variety of industrial uses, from telecommunications to the energy sector, and they are frequently used to help cool high-heat electrical and computing components. Talk with a representative from our team today to discover how heat pipe assemblies can help you! (more…)