The laws of thermodynamics can help to effectively manage high temperatures. Often, the solutions to even the most difficult of decisions involves a rethink of how to approach your thermal management situation. One effective way of achieving this sort of outcome is with the use of phase-change technology to reroute temperature away from your vital electronics and components.
A heat pipe is an example of this concept in action. This item absorbs thermal energy from your source that you need to protect. It does this by allowing this heat to warm a fluid within the pipe. When this liquid boils, the vapor flows to a different location. Then it changes phases again back into a fluid in a safer location away from your equipment. At Noren Thermal Solutions in Taylor, TX, we specialize in the efficient transfer of temperature in a way that is more efficient and can save you money. Air-to-water transfer systems could be the right choice for your business now and during scaling in the future. (more…)